Contact Us
Our customer service team is available to help you with all types of questions via email. We aim to reply on regular weekdays within 48 hours. Please see our FAQ page for answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. We will answer all inquiries in English.
Our customer care is open 8:00 -16.30 (GMT+3)
How long is the delivery time?
We aim to deliver your order within 5-7 business days after the order is confirmed by us. Note that delivery times are estimates and that deliveries could take somewhat longer during peak season. Please be aware of that Baby Bamboo's warehouse is situated in Lebanon, which is the main cause that our timescales in terms of delivery may seem slightly longer than some of our competitors. We do not dispatch on weekends or on bank holidays.
How much is delivery?
For orders over 199$ - Free shipping
For orders under 199$- Shipping cost 4$ via Aramex
How do I choose a different delivery address?
At checkout you choose your shipping address, you can also specify a different billing address at checkout.
Can I track my order?
When your order is shipped from our warehouse, we will send you an email to confirm that it’s on the way. From there it should be delivered within the timescale we advertise. Orders are trackable from when they are shipped, you can check the progress in the delivery confirmation email via the attached tracking link. Please note that it may take up to 3 business days between first and second tracking update on your order.
I am missing an item on my order
Goods are subject to availability. As there is a delay between the time when the order is placed and the time when the order is accepted, the stock position relating to particular items may change.If an item in your order is missing, check your emails to see if we have notified you that an item is out of stock. If an item you ordered is out of stock, we will send you an email to inform you about this. If this is the case, no payment for these goods is taken. The delivery note will state which items are in this part of your order. Please check the delivery notes from each part of your order to make sure you are not missing anything.
How to order online
When you find the garment you want, click “add to cart”. When you’ve finished shopping click on the shopping bag icon in the top right corner. When you have chosen all of your items, click on the "Checkout" button and follow the very simple instructions on screen through our secure checkout process.
What information will I receive when I have placed my order
We will first send you an order confirmation with an overview of your ordered items, shipping method, total amount and your selected payment methods. When we have shipped your items we will send you a shipping confirmation with a receipt enclosed.
How do I change or cancel an order
You can request to cancel the order and we always strive to do our best to prevent the order from being shipped. Please contact us in this matter as soon as possible. However it is not always possible to stop an order once it has been placed. If your order has been dispatched, you will need to return the goods.
Do I need to set up an account to place an order
If you want to but you can always checkout as a guest.